Sunday, July 27, 2008

Avie Designs!

I came home last week to find the most delightful surprise EVER in my mailbox. A few months ago, I had purchased some lovely personalized mailing labels from Avie Designs. Well, my purchase must have landed me on their mailing list, because a few weeks ago I was asked to participate in a survey about their products....and for filling out the survey, I was sent a box of stationary. It was so exciting! Everything about the package they sent me was delightful. Now don't get me wrong, the product has to be amazing (and their paper products are wonderful), but oh how I love good packaging. Even they way they address your package is pretty.
Treat yourself to some of their personalized mailing labels. For a mere $15.00 you get 64 labels. They make paying bills almost fun. Shop now.

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