Sunday, October 5, 2008

My Mom is smart

Sometimes my Mom just launches these zingers. Really great words of wisdom that I want to write down. Today's Mom Quote:

"Isn't life just grand when we let it be?"

Of course she said this while wearing hur fur coat, sipping champagne and eating bon bons...well, not really. But honestly, life is pretty grand and we only have ourselves to blame if it is not.

Above, by Mela Studios. You MUST check them out here. Shellie is an super talented illustrator and makes these great prints of her work. Much of it very inspiring in a light hearted happy way. Crazy enough...she is having a sale right this very minute. I've been dying to buy one of her "I love your spoons" prints for my kitchen. Which maybe would inspire me to actually get one out of the cupboard (or cabinet..where ever it is you keep those types of things).

She also has a pretty delightful blog located right about .... here ...
Maybe tomorrow I'll give you Mom's Dating Tips/Theory of the Six Month's brillant! For now, I hope you all have a grand day.


Home2K9 Pack Leader said...

So true! I'm all about taking advantage of the now, you never know when this little life is up.

Anonymous said...

My fur coat and bon bons...ah yes! And you're going to share my 'six-month-wonder' wisdom?? I'm not so sure, but I don't think that's a secret!
I like reading your blogs. They make me smile :) mom

Sidney Ann said...

Your mom is rad. She embodies everything I want to be when I'm older: expensive coats, chocolate, and wisdom.